Bubba with Teacher Michelle - Kendall graduated from preschool at the end of May. She said she is going to miss Teacher Michelle because she is so pretty and nice. At graduation Teacher Michelle shared the story of Kendall learning her address. Our house number is 1911 so Bubba was practicing her address on everything (calculator, phone, etc...). Well, anytime you dial 911, no matter if there are numbers before or numbers after, you get a friendly visit from a very nice police man. Ours happened to be the same day we were having company for dinner so that was real fun. Bubba learned so much at preschool and is ready to start Kindergarten in August in the Dual Language program. She can already count to 10 in Spanish so she thinks she knows it all all ready.
Erin was so excited to get trained to be a patrol next year. She felt very important and loved the orange flag that they gave her. She took her duties pretty seriously and can't wait to have her own corner next year. Erin turned 10 last week and wanted to get her nails done for the first time. She has a bad habit of biting her nails down to nothing so we got her a gift certificate to use when her nails grow a little. She also wanted make-up, but I told her maybe when she's 18 - she was satisfied so I didn't tell her I was just kidding.
Brett finished up baseball season winning only one game in the All-City Tournament. It was more than what people expected so we were happy. It was so different being on a not so winning team for the first time this year. Brett learned a lot and is determined to be a better pitcher next year. I hope he will work as hard as he promised.
Our garden is in full bloom. We had more strawberries this year than we have had in the combined last 5 years. Evan & Bubba are my best berry pickers so far. The rasberries are just coming on and I can't wait to make some jam with them. The vegetables are starting to bloom and it looks like the pumpkins will produce a lot - they've had many flowers on them this last week. Hopefully the squash and cukes will do good as those are the family favorites.
Right now Kendall & Kehli are attending Spanish camp in the mornings. Brett & Erin started swim lessons. Brett decided to be on swim team this summer so that will be good exercise for him. He is one of the youngest on the team with kids as old as 17. He was a little intimidated at first, but seemed okay once it was over. We'll see how things go after the first meet. We leave next week for a Child family reunion in Utah and the kids can't wait. It will be lots of fun and nice to see my gradparents and other family members in Magna.
I'm trying to do better updating this blog. When Mark's mom, who we see the most out of anyone, bugs me that I haven't updated our blog for a few weeks I know it's time. Thanks for the reminder ;-)