Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Grateful for the small things

Last November I had the opportunity to go to Time Out For Women in Salt Lake City. We were given a small, leather bound notebook and I am using mine as a "Gratitude Journal." I have done this in the past, but hope to make writing in it a permanent habit instead of just having a few entries. I want my children and their children to know how grateful I am for all of my many blessings - no matter how large or small they are.
I have committed to recognizing the small things in life that make me happy. Some of them may seem silly, but they make me happy non-the-less. Here is one of them with an explanation following:
I have always liked cereal, but have never enjoyed eating it. When I was young my mom made us drink every drop of milk in our bowl when the cereal was gone. That made me want to barf so I rarely chose to eat it for breakfast. I also HATE, HATE, HATE soggy cereal. So when I do eat cereal I have to add a handful of dry cereal to the top of my bowl with a small amount of milk at the bottom, being very careful to not mix the two until I am ready to take a bite. The kids know to not bother me if I have milk in my bowl because if I had to set it down the cereal on the bottom of the pile would become soggy and therefore uneatable. For Christmas Mark's brother, Brad, gave me this fabulous bowl. Eating cereal has never been so enjoyable!!! I don't even have to hold the bowl up so if I am interrupted by an "emergency" my breakfast isn't ruined. This is one of those small things in life that make me happy and therefore I am grateful for it.


Higleys said...

I like your post. I am the same way about cereal and refuse to drink the milk, I always added more cereal until the milk was gone. I love that bowl.

Michelle Birch said...

That just may be the best gift you ever recived! Love it. I am so happy you are going to start blogging again.

Evin said...

Loved it! I remember Mom not letting me leave the table until I finished my soggy cereal. GROSS! I eventually snuck to the bathroom, cereal in hand, and flushed it. I'm not sure if I really got away with it, or if Mom let it slide because she was tired of fighting with me.